Articles #
Essays #
Paper reviews #
- Intelligent design enables architectural evolution
- LAP: Lightweight anonymity and privacy
- Enlisting ISPs to Improve Online Privacy: IP Address Mixing by Default
- A Messy State of the Union: Taming the Composite State Machines of TLS
- Detecting Internet Filtering from Geographic Time Series
- A first look at anycast CDN traffic
- An Internet architecture based on the principle of least privilege
- Bitcoin over Tor isn’t a good idea
Miscellaneous #
Externally published #
- Tor upgrades to make anonymous publishing safer
The Conversation, March 2017 - The Effect of DNS on Tor’s Anonymity
Freedom to Tinker, September 2016 - Securing web browsing: protecting the Tor network
The Conversation, May 2016 - Learning more about the GFW’s active probing system
Tor Blog, September 2015 - A closer look at the Great Firewall of China
Tor Blog, October 2014 - What the “Spoiled Onions” paper means for Tor users
Tor Blog, January 2014